JEE/NEET 2025: Master Your Exams

with the Memory Recall Technique


A challenging admission exam in India is the JEE/NEET. For JEE/NEET candidates to succeed, it’s critical to adhere to a structured timetable, study techniques, and game plan. Exams can be daunting, especially when faced with a mountain of material to remember. The Memory Recall Technique is a powerful three-step process designed to help you effectively memorise and recall key information, making your study sessions more productive and less stressful. Let’s dive into the steps and tips for mastering this method.

The Memory Recall Technique: A 3-Step Process

1. Read Through Your Notes:

  • Begin by carefully reading through your notes.
  • Pay close attention to keywords, formulas, and statistics.

 These elements are often the core of what you need to remember for    your exams.

2. Memory Recalling:

  • After reviewing your notes, cover them up.
  • Write down all the information you can remember without looking.

 This step is crucial as it trains your brain to recall information actively, rather than just recognizing it passively.

3. Memory Correction:

  • Uncover your notes and, using a different colour pen, add anything you missed.
  • This visual differentiation helps reinforce the information in your memory and highlights areas where you need more practice.

Repeat this process for every topic you need to study. It’s a method that can be done in just a few hours and yields significant benefits in terms of retention and recall.

Tips for Effective Study Strategy

Prioritise Weaker Areas:  Start with the topics or subject areas where you feel less confident. This ensures you allocate more time to understanding and memorising the material that needs the most attention.

 Tackle Longer Topics First:  Begin with the more extensive topics. These often contain more information and can take longer to master, so getting them out of the way first can make your study sessions more manageable.

Making personalised notes/flow charts: using analogies will make it easier for students to understand and memorise the topic.

 Having at time table: A timetable offers numerous advantages, providing both organisation and discipline to your study routine. When tackling a competitive exam like this, adhering to a specific schedule becomes crucial to effectively cover every subject and topic in the syllabus.

Self-analyse your preparation: It is essential to self-analyse your preparation. Indulge yourself in practice mode and give yourself exam drills through Mock Tests and solving Previous Years Papers

Stay determined: There will be instances when you struggle to comprehend and handle situations. Keep trying. Avoid applying excessive pressure. You will benefit from approaching the test with an optimistic mindset. Keep your cool and stay composed.


By following these tips, you’ll save a lot of time when revising for your test the next day. Boost Your Memorization with Sleep. After completing your memory dump sessions, ensure you get a good 8+ hours of sleep. Sleep is critical for maximising neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections. This enhances your ability to memorise and recall information effectively.